What Does a Kitchen Scale Measure?

If you are reading this article, chances are you enjoy spending time in the kitchen as much as we do. Cooking and baking are both great ways to cope with daily stress and allow yourself some self-care time. On top of all that, if you know what you are doing and you are not afraid to experiment with new recipes, it can result in a tasty, healthy dish for you and your family, and scrumptious, moist cakes and treats.

Still, in order to keep the whole process fun and stress-free, you want to ensure that you have all the necessary equipment. Apart from investing in sharp knives, large casserole dishes, and non-stick pans, there is one more product that you should consider — a kitchen scale.

While the traditional cup measuring method may work for some, for most it is huge stress as it doesn’t allow you to be strict and precise with the relevant recipe. Investing in a proper kitchen scale will allow you to get accurate measurements and control portion sizes. It can’t get much better than that! A common question we get is what does a kitchen scale measure. The answer? Any food ingredients and much more. Read on to find out more.

Reasons to Get a Kitchen Scale

What is fascinating is that while there is nothing complex about a kitchen scale, it comes with an array of benefits that will facilitate the measuring process for any professional or home cook. When it comes to kitchen equipment, food scales are quite popular which means that you will be able to find a proper one without having to spend an arm and a leg … ​and without having to compromise on quality. On the other hand, with proper use and maintenance, the same scale can last you for more than a few years as long as you change the batteries (unless it runs on a different power source).

A major benefit of using a kitchen scale is that it will save your time and energy How so, you might ask? Well, the cup-measuring method takes at least a few minutes (on average), and you are still not sure if you got the right amount. With a digital kitchen scale, you will be able to get the accurate measurements in a matter of only a few seconds. Yes, there is a gap between the time you start the measuring process and the time the result pops up on the LCD display, but it is much less than with traditional methods.

Apart from that, a kitchen scale will allow you to keep the mess out of your kitchen due to the fact that you will use fewer containers. Because with the tare feature, you can reset everything back to zero, and measure another ingredient in the same bowl with the other ingredients. Last but not least, a food scale allows you to keep track of your portion sizes.

What Can You Measure With a Kitchen Scale?

​Having ​covered the topic of the many benefits that come with a kitchen scale, let’s discuss what you can measure with a kitchen scale. The answer is quite simple — anything that comes to your mind.

Still, this doesn’t mean that any heavy objects or living creatures should be measured on it. A food scale can measure solid and liquid ingredients, such as flour, nuts, vegetables, fruits, oil, water, meat, rice, and all the other foods that you may think of.

Apart from that, while not every model is suitable for it, you can use a food scale for measuring postage. Keep in mind that most kitchen scales have a capacity of up to 5 or 6 kg, which means that most postage is not adequate for it.

Additionally, as most airplane carry-ons must be under 7 kg, you can also check that your bag adheres to the requirements by weighing your carry-on on your kitchen scale if it can measure heavier weights.

There is no doubt that it can be used for measuring different products — still, you should do adequate research beforehand to prevent any potential damage.


While a kitchen scale has the primary purpose of measuring food ingredients, there are a number of different items, such as postage, that can be put on the weighing platform of the scale as well. If you decide to do so, be sure to carefully examine the guide and ensure that you are not going over the allowed weight capacity.

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